On Monday, Bill Ewing, Megan O’Malley, and I joined advocacy groups and concerned citizens from across the country in a meeting with key White House officials on the judicial vacancy crisis in America’s federal courts. I’ve attached my report of the day’s events along with insight from Bill and Megan. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Recap - NELA Participates In Summit On Judicial Nominations_ final_05 09 12.doc
Eric M. Gutierrez
Legislative & Public Policy Director
National Employment Lawyers Association/
The Employee Rights Advocacy Institute For Law & Policy
1828 L Street, Suite 600
Washington DC 20036
Tel: 202-898-2880, x115
Fax: 866-593-7521
E-mail: egutierrez@nelahq.org
#LegislativePublicPolicy #JudicialNominations