
NELA COVID-19 Resource Center

By Pedro A. Valverde posted 03-23-2020 12:51 PM

In response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, NELA has created a hub to share information, resources, and announcements related to COVID-19 and its implications for workers’ rights attorneys, as well as our community. The microsite,, will be updated regularly with updates on NELA programs, legislative updates, and other ways you can stay connected with the NELA community. It is likely the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic will be far-reaching and long-lasting.

To ensure the safety of our staff, the NELA and Institute teams (California and Washington, D.C. offices) are working remotely at least through Friday, April 3. Please be aware that our ability to check office mailboxes or receive deliveries is limited at this time.You can still reach us by emailing us or calling our offices, and we encourage you to keep in touch!

Please know that we at NELA and The Institute are here for you, and we’ll continue to be in touch as the situation develops.
