We are actively collaborating to further our work and bring you top-notch CLE programs and services. The NELA/Institute Joint Board meeting will be held virtually on April 3 and 4, 2020, and the NELA Executive Board Election will take place in April as scheduled. Planning continues for the NELA 2020 Annual Convention and 35th Anniversary Gala. We are currently scheduling several webinars for the coming year. More information will be coming soon.
NELA On-Demand CLE
In partnership with SeminarWeb, NELA provides on-demand CLE from our Annual Conventions, seminars, and webinars. Each purchase includes an MP3 audio file and speaker materials in downloadable formats. You may access the self-paced programs from your office, home, or hotel room using a computer and a high-speed internet connection.
Check out the complete on-demand library.
If you don't want the audio, you can purchase and download only the speaker materials in our bookstore.
Visit our online bookstore.
State CLE Updates
Please note states are updating their policies rapidly. You can find your state's regulator information at https://www.clereg.org/directory. We will update this page when we become aware of new information. If you have updated information to submit, please contact us at nelahq@nelahq.org.
Arkansas: Arkansas has no limitation on Distance education. The deadline for attorneys to report hours is June 30, 2020. Arkansas Supreme Court Statement on Novel Coronavirus Outbreak and the Courts
California: There have been no changes. California awards Participatory or Self-study credits. Distance learning can be participatory provided the provider keeps attendance, either electronically or by roll call or other methods.
State Bar of California COVID-19 Updates
Colorado: In response to COVID-19, the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel is implementing new procedures for certain types of transactions with our Office, effective immediately.
Notices about Business and Operational Changes and Potential Interruptions
Delaware: On March 19, 2020, the Supreme Court of Delaware issued an order regarding make up plans for attorneys who are noncompliant for 2019. The traditional live credit requirement is waived. In addition, the deadlines have been extended: transcript verification is due by 4/30/20; completion of make-up plans is due by 5/31/20 with report of completion due by 6/15/20. The live credit requirement is still in place for those whose compliance period ends 12/31/20. This issue will be revisited at a later date if need be.
The Delaware Judiciary Response to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Update 4/7: The requirement that at least 12 of the 24 CLE credit hours must be earned by attending in person, live CLE approved courses is waived for the two year periods ending December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2021. All 24 CLE credit hours for those two-year periods may be satisfied by approved courses that do not require an in-person, live appearance.
Florida: There is no requirement that courses be live. CLE Providers may be eligible for refunds for cancelled courses. Courses are approved for 18 months, and CLE providers may request the approval period be expanded. The Florida Bar CLE may revisit an extension of the compliance period deadline, which remains unchanged.
COVID-19 Information and Resources
Georgia: On March 10, the Georgia Supreme Court temporarily waived requirement of 6 hours of in person CLE. Georgia attorneys may complete all 12 hours of their CLE requirement through self-study, in-house or distance education. This order is effective through March 31, 2020. In addition to the in-person waiver, the deadline for 2019 courses has been extended from March 31, 2020 through April 30, 2020.
COVID-19 Updates
Iowa: Iowa has removed the limitations on distance education (unmoderated CLE).
Chief Justice Christensen's order lifting the six-hour cap on unmoderated CLE programs
Kansas: The compliance deadline of June 30. 2020 remains unchanged, but the situation is being monitored.
News & Reminders
Louisiana: Louisiana State Bar Association has canceled or rescheduled all CLEs, meetings and events through the end of April. The LSBA emphasizes this is a quickly evolving situation that is being monitored closely.
COVID-19 Updates and Information
Minnesota: The Minnesota Supreme Court issued an Order March 18 suspending the on-demand credit limit for lawyers due to report August 31, 2020 for the July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020 reporting period. In Minnesota, the Rules permit all lawyers to claim 100% of live webinars.
Administrative Order Establishing Temporary Exception to Rule 6(D) of the Rules of the Minnesota State Board of Continuing Legal Education
Missouri: As of March 13, all in-person events have been canceled. An accommodation permitting a waiver of the 6-hour cap on self-study may be considered.
New Hampshire: All NH Bar sponsored CLEs and meetings will be postponed until at least April 6, 2020, when the situation will be reevaluated.
Updates to NH Judicial Branch Response to COVID-19
New Jersey: In a Court order dated March 10, 2020, the Supreme Court waived, until further order of the Court, the 12 hour in person requirement. As of the date of the order, attorneys may fulfill the 24-hour requirement per 2-year compliance period. NJCourts COVID-19 Coronavirus Updates
New Mexico: New Mexico allows unlimited live webcast, webinar or teleseminars to establish compliance, and always have. Resources for Attorneys & FAQ About Coronavirus
New York: New York CLE Board published changes to CLE Program format restrictions in response to COVID-19. Changes to CLE Program Format Restrictions in Response to COVID-19 Coronavirus
North Carolina: Effective January 1, 2020, there is no limitation on online CLE hours. Effective March 16, 2020, and until further notice, please communicate with the State Bar through email only. Attempts to communicate with the State Bar via United States Mail, UPS, FedEx, or facsimile may result in substantial delay.
CLE Requirements in North Carolina
Ohio:The Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education has adopted the following changes for attorneys with regard to CLE Late Compliance for the 2018/2019 period: Deadline to complete all hours is extended to June 29, 2020 and Waiver of the self-study cap for the 2018/2019 Late Compliance period.
Pennsylvania: In response to the current public health crisis of the COVID-19 coronavirus, the Continuing Legal Education Board acknowledges recommendations by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control to minimize exposure and transmission of the coronavirus. In support of these efforts, the Continuing Legal Education Board announces the following temporary accommodation for continuing legal education requirements.
The April 30, 2020 CLE compliance deadline is extended to August 31, 2020.
Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico has no limitation on distance education hours. The compliance deadline has been extended to April 30, 2020. Depending on whether the governor extends the state of emergency, the Puerto Rico Supreme Court may issue a further extension of the compliance deadline.
Emergency Plan for COVID-19
South Carolina: On March 17, the South Carolina Supreme Court waived the 8 hour cap on distance education, thus permitting attorneys to earn all or any portion of the required annual 14 hours of MCLE credit for the 2019-2020 annual reporting year through pre-approved alternatively delivered programing.
Waiver of Distance Learning Limitations
Tennessee: Effective March 13, the Tennessee Supreme Court ordered that Tennessee attorneys may fulfill all of their CLE requirements for 2019 through distance learning completed through March 31, 2020.
Order Regarding Continuing Legal Education
On March 27, 2020, the Supreme Court entered an order allowing attorneys to use unlimited online hours to establish their compliance for the 2020 compliance year. Attorneys seeking reinstatement in 2020 are also covered by the order. https://www.cletn.com/images/Documents/OrderUnlimitedOnline_2020.pdf
Utah: Due to the CDC recommendations against gathering in large groups in order to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Supreme Court has authorized the Supreme Court Board of Continuing Education to suspend all requirements for in-person CLE attendance for the remainder of the current reporting cycle, which ends on June 30, 2020. Accordingly, those Bar members who are required to report CLE compliance this reporting cycle may complete all required hours through webinars and other self-study courses in accordance with Rule 14-413 of the MCLE Rules. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this announcement, please contact Sydnie Kuhre, MCLE Executive Director at sydnie.kuhre@utahbar.org or phone 801-297-7035.
West Virginia State Bar: Due to concerns associated with the COVID-19 virus, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia has granted a request from the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Commission for a temporary waiver of current CLE rules and regulations which limit the CLE credits for online and in-house credits to 12 credits, or half of the mandatory continuing legal education requirements. Attorneys will now be able to earn all or any portion of the required 24 CLE credit minimum through video, audio, correspondence, telephone seminars, computer-based training courses and in-house instruction, so long as the courses otherwise satisfy the requirements of the CLE rules and regulations and are approved for CLE credit in West Virginia.
Temporary Waiver of Online Continuing Legal Education Credit Limit
WV State Bar COVID-19 Response Plan