Edward D. Buckley is one of the founding partners of Buckley Bala Wilson Mew LLP. Ed understands the hardships that working people face and has built his law practice championing their cause, focusing his practice on civil rights and employment discrimination cases. Ed has broad employment law experience in every area of the law. Although he is an outstanding trial lawyer, he also has extensive experience in mediation, arbitration, settlement negotiations, and appellate law. Ed has won numerous multi-million-dollar verdicts for employees in race discrimination, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and tort cases. He has also settled numerous cases on behalf of employees in age, race, sex, age, national origin discrimination claims, and he has handled numerous appeals in the Georgia Court of Appeals, Georgia Supreme Court and the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Ed writes frequently and has authored numerous articles, papers, and a book chapter on employment law, civil rights law, and executive contracts.