This post recaps the second panel from The Institute's Symposium (" Trial By Jury Or Trial By Motion?: Summary Judgment, Iqbal And Employment Discrimination ") at New York Law School on April 23, 2012. Check back for additional posts recapping the other panels and the keynote! ...
This post recaps the first panel from The Institute's Symposium (" Trial By Jury Or Trial By Motion?: Summary Judgment, Iqbal And Employment Discrimination ") at New York Law School on April 23, 2012. Check back in the coming week for additional posts recapping the other panels and the keynote! ...
Nearly 200 employee advocates, judges and academics joined NELA's charitable organization, The Employee Rights Advocacy Institute For Law & Policy, on Monday, April 23 at New York Law School for a symposium called, " Trial By Jury Or Trial By Motion?: Summary Judgment, Iqbal And...
The Employee Rights Advocacy Institute For Law & Policy Toolkit Paper: Securing The Right To A Jury Trial: Attacking "Stray Remarks" At Summary Judgment examines the history and development of the "stray remarks" doctrine, discusses the treatment it has received from the courts and commentators,...